
Passion. Experience. Results.

About Hannah Williams PR

Hannah Williams is a publicist with over 20 years of experience gained working in-house, in agencies and as an independent consultant. Hannah has worked with big global brands including Microsoft, Amazon, Cisco and Sophos as well as small startups and not for profit organisations.

In 2018 Hannah founded her own consultancy to deliver the best results for companies of all sizes who want to make a big impact without working with a big agency.


Get in touch

I know that finding the right PR partner can significantly shift the dial for you and your brand. I also know that every need is different and unique so I offer a range of services to suit.

Let’s chat ▸


About Me



Hannah Williams

Hannah is a highly experienced independent PR and communications consultant who tells her client’s stories with positive impact. She specialises in building rock-solid communications strategies, providing high level strategic counsel, media training and impactful media relations and stakeholder engagement programmes.

Hannah has an M.A. in Chinese and Business and is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacturing and Commerce (RSA).